Introduction to Shopping Centre Investments
Shopping centres need to be built in particular locations and their design flexible enough to meet new product mixes in a dramatically changing retail environment. You will explore and use the many available product to help understand consumers and catchments. You will look at different build designs and operation strategies. You will be introduced to financial modelling of retail property assets and you will learn about sustainability regulations and new technologies.
You will identify the features and needs of different shopping centres using case studies throughout the course. You will also have the opportunity to try our ground-breaking game “The perfect mall” competing with your peers.
On this course, you will…
- Review the Definition, History, Economics, Evolution and Lifecycle of Shopping Centres
- Review the conceptual frameworks used to understand who adds value and at what stage in the project or investment lifecycle
- Learn about data types, data collection techniques and external data sources useful in calculating shopping centre KPIs
- Use KPIs to help understand, position and adapt to catchments and markets
- Learn about retailers, retail space requirement and product mix
- Learn how to use data visualisation techniques to understand and create ‘effective’ and ‘optimised’ shopping centre design and leasing strategies
- Analyse a detailed financial model of an existing centre with fully flexible rent functions
- Use KPIs and Financial Modelling to Incorporate shopping centre management, sustainability features and asset enhancement solutions
- Compete with your peers to create the most sustainable and investable shopping centre in our simulation game “The Perfect Mall”
Who will benefit from this course?
- Professional who are new to investing in shopping centres.
- Real Estate Professionals who would like to update their knowledge of the investment of retail assets.
- Shopping centre managers who would like to communicate more effectively with investors and owners on the financial impact of their management strategies.
- Suppliers to shopping centres to help them quantify and communicate how their product can add value.
- Data companies’ providers who would like to further understand the needs of shopping centre investors in order to help them improve their service.
- Graduate students who would like to learn about shopping centres.
- Analyst and modellers who would like to improve their understanding of financial models in respect of retail property assets.
Course Outline
- The Retail Trading Billionaire game
- Introduction to Shopping Centres
- History & Definitions
- Bayfield Retail QuiltsTM
- Industry Advocacy and membership bodies
- Case Studies
- Mall Operational Metrics (MOM)
- Defining and calculation common metrics (Footfall, Dwell Time, Frequency, Spend per head, Vacancy)
- Other metrics
- Understanding MOM relate to performance
- Resolving false interpretations and miscalculations
- New Shopping Centres
- The Perfect Shopping Centre
- Development Appraisals
- Rebuild or Refurbish
- Design and Development
- The Development Process
- Design Metrics
- Land Assembly and Planning
- Case Study: The Grand Arcade, Cambridge
- Site optimisation workshop
- Interpreting site plans
- Understanding external footfall generators
- Optimal site position
Network Evening: Dinner for delegates and course contributors
- Shopping Centre Lease Contracts
- Overview of lease contract
- Understanding covenants
- Green Leases
- Shopping Centre Management
- Key Management Functions
- Service Charges
- Managing Operational v. Capital Expenditure (OPEX&CAPEX)
- Sustainability in Operations & Case study
- The Shopping Centre Value Chain
- Understanding the relationship between Developer, Investor, Retailer and Consumer
- Classifying and understanding retailers
- Classifying and understanding consumers
- Retail Property Supply
- Retail property, occupiers, location and supply
- Short term and long-term vacancy
- One New Change Case Study
- Shopping Centre Leasing Strategy Game
- Catchment
- Footfall Dynamics
- Lease diversification
- Anchor Tenants
- Leasing Strategy Review
- Retail Property Macro Economics
- Global demand
- Retail Property indicators in global retail
- Occupier, Asset and Development markets
- How retail responds to trends
- Shopping Centre Investment Valuation and Performance
- Performance
- Value
- Key indicators
- Shopping Centre Ownership
- Investors profile
- Performance Issues
- Structures of Ownerships
- Retail Funds
- Investment Intentions (destinations, reasons for investing, route to market, obstacles)
- Capital flows
- Terminations and Performance
- Future of Shopping Centres
In partnership with

Course Details
Pricing – Public Course
In-Person: £1,750 + VAT
Virtual: £1,500 + VAT
Upcoming Dates – Public Course Dates
Number of days: Three days
Course type: Strategy
Course level:
Pre-requisite: None
CPD Hours: 22.5

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How to Book
Course Bookings:
Jacob Noble
[email protected]
Course Delivery & Administration:
Emma Wilson
[email protected]