As an asset class, property is already difficult to appraise and forecast. Much more so if we are talking about shopping centres, where agglomeration, variety, quality of tenants and brands add to the complexity.

Tenant mix is a “puzzle” in shopping centre management. The reason is because tenant mix seems to be an art, the art of marketing. A typical shopping centre contains more than 100 retail units – thus the possible tenant mix arrangements of retail/service categories and brands are almost infinite. Moreover, tenant mix is not a static condition: the market changes over time, as do customer preferences and fashion trends.

Consequently, centre managers have to adjust their tenant mix constantly to keep up with market trends and will therefore need to move tenants around, negotiate lease renewals, lease reviews or even actively break leases so to improve shopping centre productivity.

Now to the point: how can you assure investors and clients that certain tenant mix is the one that optimizes rents and value?

The Bayfield Shopping Centre Asset Management course will teach you how different tenant mixes can result in different rents and thus value – identifying the optimal mix given centre’s location and theme. For this we will use real retail data and the Bayfield financial models to create scenarios which will lead to ‘The Perfect Mall’.

On this course you will also:

  • Learn the history and Economics of shopping centres and how to broadly identify new markets
  • Use GIS, Catchment Analysis Software, Excel and other tools to position and adapt to markets
  • Learn about ‘effective’ and ‘optimised’ shopping centre designs
  • Learn about retailers, product mix and lease strategies
  • Build and analyse a detailed financial model of an existing centre with fully flexible rent functions
  • Incorporate shopping centre management, sustainability features and asset enhancement opportunities
  • Appreciate the difference between direct and indirect shopping centre investments

Next course: 25th–27th February, 2015

Book Now – Last Places!

For more information go to:

Or call: Jacob Noble at +44 (0) 1223 517 852